Lived Experience Matters
Lived Experience Matters


Angela Newton established Lived Experience Matters  after spending twenty years working in health and social care, specialising is service user involvement, service user leadership, and co-production.  Angela has successfully developed ways of embedding lived experience across organisations, including within operational services and governance, as well as influencing mental health policy and practice and establishing a national peer support network. She has pioneered an award winning training project, developed accredited training programmes, advised the National Involvement Partnership, judged the National Service User Involvement Awards,  served as a trustee and volunteered. Angela has spoken at several high profile conferences and events based on her expertise and experience in the sector. 

Lived Experience Matters is a growing network of people who have significant expertise and experience of providing training and consultancy services across statutory, voluntary and private sector organisations and are:-

  • Highly skilled in using their own lived experience, and enabling others to do the same, to positively influence policy and practice 
  • Experienced in developing, delivering, researching and evaluating services, including service user led services
  • Established trainers, researchers, consultants and public speakers

We work with individuals and organisations who want to or need to seek the views of people with lived experience to drive positive change. We are particularly keen to work with those who want people with lived experience to flourish within leadership roles. 

We also work with people who have their own lived experience of health and social care issues to support them to become as influential as possible through the invaluable insights, experience and expertise that they have. We are particularly keen to work with groups of people to develop their leadership skills.
